Sunday, October 31, 2010

MUSE Gets Silly

Last week, MUSE had to present a chapter of the BUSN 205 book to the class. We met up the night before to practice our presentation and finish up the power point. During the practice, MUSE let their silly slide show.
Avery and Pam spent most of the rehearsal hula hooping with some hula hoops in the room. Avery impressed everybody with her ability to hula hoop for several minutes at a time with two hoops. She would’ve been able to hula hoop with more, but the only hoops left were square hoops, which are a lot harder than normal hoops.
Kyle, was typical Kyle, and played with the pointer laser all night long. Andrew spent the whole time practicing how to pronounce the German word for German “deutsch” with the help of Pam. Divin decided to record everybody. Jessie sat in the back typing up the handout and spent most of the time complaining about how unused to Macs she was.
Mid-way through the meeting, Kyle decided to pull up YouTube videos to watch. He first started off with a really depressing video, which most of the group didn’t appreciate. To make up for it, Avery suggested that we watch a video about Christian the lion. Afterwards, the group decided to watch the Bedroom Intruder video and the song. Andrew wanted to find a way to incorporate it into the presentation.
Despite all of this, MUSE was still able to practice and the presentation went smoothly. And yes, Andrew was able to incorporate the Bedroom Intruder as an example in the presentation.

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